Basking Sharks and Seals

Session 1 - Basking Sharks - the world's second biggest fish

General Information from Wildlife Extra

Mapping Data:


General Info on Fish:

Common species


Prepare beta observation sheets for fishermen/recreational boat users identifying with images, graphics and diagrams those fish which have protection under WACA81.

Relevant Papers:

Spatial Distribution Patterns of
Basking Sharks
Oceans of

Basking Shark Products in International Trade


Greenpeace RedList in Canada
Guardian Summer 2009
Guardian IUCN
BBC Audio
BBC Audio - Migrations
BBC Vid Isle of Man

Debating Chamber:

Why bust a gut trying to protect one species when the general picture is so dire?
What's the point if Norway can still fish for baskers?
What are the ethics of showing other countries' disturbing practices?

Relevant Organisations Palau


Monterey Bay

Video Lounge:

Cornwall Footage
Japan Dolphin
Shark Fin Soup Altercation
Shark Fin

Aims:crime and the application of forensic techniques to investigations of such crime. Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the nature and extent of wildlife crime. 2. Identify and interpret legislation relating to wildlife crime 3. Describe and appraise the roles of the different organisations involved in regulating wildlife crime 4. Understand This module allows the student to develop an understanding of wildlife and apply the different forensic techniques used in the investigation of wildlife crime

Seals - one of a variety of PINNIPEDS

Seals overview, and view as to whether seals impact on fish stocks.

Harp seals, the species targeted by hunters for pelts for the fashion industry (main market is Italy).

US Action - the US often gets a bad press, but note the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

EU action to ban trading in seal pelts - ie using import duties as a tool for the control of species depletion - though note that the debate is as much about animal welfare as bio-diversity )if not more so). Note also this official source - including video - from the EU Parliament. Note however that there is a controversial involvement by the World Trade Organisation to whom Canada have made representations. (View the news video and mull over that word "transitioning".) See also this news piece from Canada.

This is what the Greeks are doing - note possilbe volunteering opportunities.

This article is about conflicted Canadians. This video, whilst partial, highlights the issues - but is it coming from a conservation or a cruelty angle? If the latter how clean is our own backyard?

We rely on science to inform us whether seal hunting has a positive/negative effect on eco-systems. Should seal populations be managed by regularr culls authorised by national governments? Do seals have a value as scavengers rather than predators? Do seals undermine fish stocks. How valid is the proposition that if yo remove a predator fish yields will increase?

CAFT Factsheet - careful

The Russians have also taken action.

An interesting twist on who is the wildlife criminal. See also the view of the Sea Shepherd

The Humane Society FAQ on seals - check for subjectivity (print), and their press release on the EU ban. Note also the impact of campaigning strategies.

The law as it stands in Canada on seal hunting.

The problems facing politicians who make overt acts of support for beleagured communities, which then get worldwide coverage. These actions are defended here.

Padraig goes hunting with the Inuit vid and Narwhale hunting - important articulation of sustainable hunting for indiginous populations.

Conservation status and also a summary of Scottish law

Monachus basic information - make sure to evaluate the Edge website for usefulness

Recenct issues with walrus' from WWF


Harpooning vid